How to clear stretch marks with Bio Oil is one of the major beauty queries on the internet .
Here’s why! According to a report from Huffington Post,80% of people have stretch marks.
I just had to put that out there so you know you are not alone .Heck,I have stretch marks even though I have vigorously fought tooth and nail to get rid of them .
However,I succeeded in reducing them to an extent where I no longer feel conscious of them.
And maybe listening to Kendrick Lamar pay tribute to ladies with stretch marks helped .

Now,reducing stretch marks is relative .What I consider ok ,may not be to you .
I just know I’m at a stage where I don’t give a damn about them any more .
But why am I writing about it ? Well,because as much as I want to deceive myself that it’s not a problem ..Let’s face the fact …
If I heard of a permanent solution to clear stretch marks right now ,I’ll be first in line ..So much for not giving a damn haha!
Before I delve deeper .Let just make it clear ,though pregnancy and weight gain are the biggest causes of stretch marks , men,children and even skinny people can have stretch marks.
On the other hand ,many have never and will never have it nor matter the weight gain or kids they pop out .They are just genetically exempt from stretch marks .
What are stretch marks ?
Most of us know what they are however ,I discovered my stretch marks at the age of 15 and at the time ,I had no idea they were called stretch marks .I just knew I had these in unattractive lines on my breasts and hips .
So for the benefit of those who have no idea ,stretch marks are those lines or streaks formed on the skin when your skin stretches or shrinks quickly .

This causes the collagen which support our skin to break down ,hence the lines .
How do you remove stretch marks ?
Fun fact:Stretchmarks are permanent and can not be totally erased .(I’ll give you a moment to take that in ..Deep sigh)
Now,let’s move on ..Doubt it ?Ask celebrities like who have access to some of the world’s finest dermatologists or surgeons .

Stretch marks can only be reduced to a very level where they are hardly visible and blend with your skin.
If Stretch marks can’t be cured ,Why are there so many creams claiming to cure them ?
Oh well,there are millions affected by it so it’s basically a money spinner for cosmetic companies. .

Are they products which remove stretch marks ?
While there are products out there which have been tested to visible reduce the appearance of stretch marks , none has been confirmed to completely remove them.
But one comes close. And that is Bio Oil.

Bio Oil-Bio Oil is a holy grail when it comes to stretch mark reduction .It is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of stretch marks by about 80%.
Does Bio Oil clear stretch marks ?
Since stretch marks are basically caused by the wear and tear of collagen ,Bio Oil which contains ingredients like rosemary oil which helps heal scars and wounds ,Chamomile oil which helps even out skin .
These works to increase the elasticity of the skin ,thereby rebuilding the tissues to smoothen the skin out .
However ,Bio Oil will NOT totally clear your stretchmarks .
Its even clearly stated by the manufacturers .
Bio-Oil is formulated to help improve the appearance of scars, but it can never remove them.
Wouldn’t you rather spend money on a truthful brand than one which magically claims to clear stretch marks ?.

On the brighter side ,it is very effective in preventing new stretch marks from forming .If you are pregnant ,having weight gains or loosing weight ,embarking on extreme diets ,make Bio oil your new best friend .
If you have old stretch marks ,make Bio Oil your best friend too .
How to use Bio Oil on stretch marks
According to instructions by the company
Bio-Oil should be massaged in a circular motion into the scar, twice daily, for a minimum of 3 months.
You are expected to see results in 4-6 weeks .Some people have reported results in less and even more than this time frame .
Look at it this way ,it took years for your skin tissue to break down ,it’s going to take a while to rebuild those tissues .

Bio Oil is the closest thing which works in smoothing out scars and rebuilding the damaged tissues .This is the first step to fading stretch marks.
If you haven’t bought one yet ,start your stretch mark treatment journey with a bottle and see the difference by the time that bottle is finished .
Remember ,as with every product ,consistency and patience is key .
You can get original Bio oil on my Amazon Store Front (I earn a commission from this sale 😊 )