Using turmeric powder is one of the best ways to achieve glowing and perfect skin .
The skincare benefits of Turmeric powder are immense and extensive.
I got on board the tumeric wave a little late.
For one wh loves skin care products, natural or otherwise, I had to give it a try .
What is Turmeric Powder?
Tumeric powder is a yellow mustard coloured spice which is very popular with the Indians.
It is derived from the root of the Curcuma longa, which is a plant related to the ginger family. Curcumin has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant.
Turmeric Is known for it’s anti-inflammatory effects.
My Turmeric Powder Beauty Recipes

Now, there are several recipes on how to use turmeric powder on skin. However, I have personally tried these three and they worked like magic . Infact, the way my skin glowed after the first use was incredible.
- I mixed 1 tb spoon of turmeric powder, 1 tbspoon of lemon juice and 1 tbspoon of milk. I mixed these ingredients in a bowl and slathered on my face .
Left it on for twenty minutes and rinsed off with warm water( It can leave yellow stains on on skin or clothes..So wash properly).
After washing off ,my face was so smooth, oil free and visibly lighter.
Second recipe which I alternate .
- Instead of using milk, you can use honey ..It will give you an incredible glow and help with oil.
You do not need too many complicated recipes to achieve results. Just make sure lemon, honey or milk is part of your mixture and you are good to go.
How to use Tumeric powder on your skin
There is no set rule on how long or how often you can apply turmeric powder on your skin.
Can you apply it everyday? YES you can.
Can you leave it overnight?
While most people apply masks on the skin overnight. It is not advisable to do so with turmeric . Apart from the obvious possibility of staining your bed, it would leave your face looking yellow by morning.
Not even a good washing may get rid of that yellowy look . .
For serious cases of acne of breakouts. You can just dab the mixture on the spots, or affected areas, then go to bed.
Other uses of Turmeric Powder
Lightens the skin
It tones skin
Tumeric cures acne
Helps heal acne scars
Makes the skin glow
It helps get rid of pimples
It slows down aging
Reduces facial hair
These and many more are the beauty benefits of turmeric powder . Good thing is, we can identify with atleast one of these issues.
How long does it take to see the benefits of Turmeric?
I say, from the first day.However, just give it a month of daily or weekly usage.Remember,consistency is key.

This is very informative. Thank you. Definatky using some turmeric on my face today!